Simple Profession in Oxford 2019
On Sunday 20th November 2019, our three novices made their first religious profession. Fr. Terence Bateman, friar Peter George and friar John Paul all vowed to live, for the following year, 'in obedience, without anything of one's own, and in chastity' according to the Holy Rule of our Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi.
The three friars made their vows into the hands of their Custos, Fr. Ciprian Budau. It was a joyous and memorable occasion. In attendance, were both the families and many members from different religious institutes.
Fr. Gerard Mary from the Conventual house in Walsingham gave a short homily, and Fr. Giles Zakowicz, the Formation Director and Guardian of the Oxford Friary, thanked all who had attended. A wonderful meal was then put on - cooked by one of the friars living in the Oxford friary.
Please pray for friars Terence, Peter George and John Paul, and for all who have responsibility in guiding them in their vocations. Pray too for vocations to our Order.