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Novenas and Masses

You are welcome to join us in the Novenas. You can enrol yourself, friends and family members, living or deceased. For the nine consecutive days of the chosen Feast, the names of those enrolled and any petition received will be placed near the altar during the Masses. Please send in your orders early so we can get your cards to you in good time. Orders can be made only by post.

Write the names on the proper form provided in the above links and, if you wish, you can also enclose petitions. Personal petition should be sealed in an envelope if you wish it to remain private.

The Friars will join their prayers with yours throughout the Novena, and the names of all those enrolled—the living and the dead—will be placed on the altar at these Mass-es.

Please Print the address where we should send out your cards to, clearly and in CAPITAL LETTERS (and don’t forget your postal code). You can also send us your tele-phone number or your email in case we need to communicate with you.

Please send the completed forms with your donations to The Novena Secretary

(Cheques payable to FRIARS MINOR CONVENTUAL):


All Saints Friary,

Redclyffe Road,



M41 7LG


Novenas & Masses - 1 (Introduction).jpg

Novenas & Masses


Novenas & Masses - 2 (Easter) conv 1.jpeg

Novenas & Masses


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Novenas & Masses - 3 (St. Anthony) conv 1.jpeg

Novenas & Masses

St. Anthony

Novenas & Masses

St. Anthony

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Novenas & Masses

All Souls

Novenas & Masses - 5 (Immaculate Conception) conv 1.jpeg

Novenas & Masses

Immaculate Conception

Novenas & Masses - 6 (Christmas) conv 1.jpeg

Novenas & Masses


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