Our Conventual Communities
The Greyfriars in Great Britain & Ireland have been rendering life-giving service to the people through our parish ministry. As in many parts of the world, parish ministry still remains a very significant apostolate of the friars in Britain and Ireland. Our churches are centres of Christian spirituality, liturgical worship and specialised pastoral activity stemming from our Conventual charism.
Our Parish Ministry is strengthened by the Primary Apostolate of our Vowed Life: "To live the Gospel among people in charity and poverty, in simplicity and humility as followers of St. Francis." (Constitutions 121.2)
Not all of our communties are parishes, and across the custody our friars are undertaking all kinds of varied ministries and apostolates, meeting the needs of any particular place at a particular time. In essence, you'll find us wherever we're most needed. There is no typical Conventual Franciscan community, every friary, every parish, and every friar for that matter is quite unique and brings different gifts to the Conventual family across Britain & Ireland.
To learn more about our different communities throughout the custody, navigate through the images below and select the image you wish to know more about.